Nursing Homes in Buckingham, Pennsylvania
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(866) 204-9238
Crestview Center
262 Toll Gate Road, Langhorne, Pennsylvania 19047
Costs vary with room type: Private rooms at $5.44/day, semi-private at $4.93/day, and respite care at $2.65/day. Move-in requires one month's cost upfront.
Pauls Run
9896 Bustleton Avenue,, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19115
Costs vary by service: Independent Living from $2,653/month, Personal Care at $5,700/month, Long-Term Care around $10,000/month, and Short-Term Stays at $225/day.
The Community At Rockhill
3250 State Road,, Sellersville, Pennsylvania 18960
Costs vary by room size and care level, with monthly estimates ranging from $7,000 to $10,000, including room rates and care services.
Anns Choice
30000 Ann’S Choice Way, Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974
Costs for independent living at Anne's Choice start at $2,581/month for a one-bedroom. Additional residents pay $1,045/month. Other care levels require direct inquiry.