Nursing Homes in Oregon, Ohio

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Image of Ohio Living Swan Creek
Ohio Living Swan Creek

5916 Cresthaven Lane, Toledo, Ohio 43614

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Hospice, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Merit House
Merit House

4645 Lewis Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43612

Living Options: Assisted Living, Nursing Home

Image of The Lakes Of Monclova
The Lakes Of Monclova

6935 Monclova Road, Maumee, Ohio 43537

Costs vary widely based on location, amenities, and level of care, ranging from $2,000 to $7,000 per month.

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Adult Day Care, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Elizabeth Scott Community
Elizabeth Scott Community

2720 Albon Road, Maumee, Ohio 43537

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation