Nursing Homes in Broadview Heights, Ohio
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Parkside Villa
7040 Hepburn Road, Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130
Costs: Rehabilitation Room - $496/day, Long-Term Care - $307/day (semi-private), Assisted Living - $234/day. Prices subject to change.
Mount Alverna Village
6765 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134
Costs vary by service: Assisted Living from $5,295/mo, Memory Support from $6,770/mo, and Independent Living from $3,295/mo.
Pleasant Lake Villa
7260 Ridge Road, Parma, Ohio 44129
Costs vary by service level: Level 1 at $237/day, Level 2 at $247/day, and Level 3 at $257/day. Respite care matches assisted living rates.
Bath Creek Estates
186 W. Bath Road, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Costs include $320/day for a private room in the senior living community, with respite care requiring a minimum 5-day stay.
Renaissance Retirement Campus
26376 John Road, Olmsted Township, Ohio 44138
Costs include an Entrance Fee of $111,000 and a Monthly Fee of $3,484 for Independent Living. A Pet Deposit is required at $350.