Nursing Homes in Weldon Spring, Missouri

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Image of Breeze Park
Breeze Park

600 Breeze Park Drive, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Hospice, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Cottages Of Lake St Louis
Cottages Of Lake St Louis

2885 Technology Drive, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri 63367

Living Options: Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Meramec Bluffs
Meramec Bluffs

1 Meramec Bluffs Drive, Ballwin, Missouri 63021

Assisted living starts at $6,415 and independent living has entrance fees from $210,000. Wait list deposit is $1,000, and pet deposit is also $1,000.

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Hospice, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Mason Pointe
Mason Pointe

13190 South Outer Forty Road, Town And Country, Missouri 63017

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Hospice, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Village Of St. Peters
Village Of St. Peters

5400 Executive Center Parkway, Saint Peters, Missouri 63376

Assisted living costs range from $4,236 to $6,773 monthly. Long-term care in a semi-private room is $234 daily, and a private room is $267 daily, covering short-term and respite care.

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Hospice, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of St Peters Manor Care Center
St Peters Manor Care Center

230 Spencer Road, Saint Peters, Missouri 63376

Living Options: Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Garden View Care Center Of Chesterfield
Garden View Care Center Of Chesterfield

1025 Chesterfield Pointe Parkway, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Garden View Care Center At Dougherty Ferry
Garden View Care Center At Dougherty Ferry

13612 Big Bend Road, Valley Park, Missouri 63088

Assisted living costs average $242 daily, with options for shared, private, or suite rooms. Skilled nursing is $393 daily, plus $7 for incontinence care.

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Marymount Manor
Marymount Manor

313 Augustine Road, Po Box 600, Eureka, Missouri 63025

Living Options: Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing

Image of Delmar Gardens On The Green
Delmar Gardens On The Green

15197 Clayton Road, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017

Living Options: Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of The Quarters At Des Peres
The Quarters At Des Peres

13230 Manchester Road, Des Peres, Missouri 63131

Living Options: Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Bethesda Meadow
Bethesda Meadow

322 Old State Road, Ellisville, Missouri 63021

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing