Nursing Homes in Maplewood, Minnesota

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Image of The Estates At Greeley
The Estates At Greeley

313 South Greeley Street, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

Living Options: Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Southview Acres Healthcare Center
Southview Acres Healthcare Center

2000 Oakdale Avenue, West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55118

Living Options: Memory Care, Nursing Home

Image of Boutwells Landing
Boutwells Landing

5610 Norwich Parkway, Oak Park Heights, Minnesota 55082

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home

Image of Maplewood Care Center
Maplewood Care Center

1900 Sherren Avenue E, Maplewood, Minnesota 55109

Costs include a base rate of $3,165, meals at $390, and optional a la carte services for personalized needs.

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Respite Care, Rehabilitation

Image of Saint Therese Of Woodbury
Saint Therese Of Woodbury

7555 Bailey Road, Woodbury, Minnesota 55129

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home

Image of Cerenity Care Center On Humboldt
Cerenity Care Center On Humboldt

512 Humboldt Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Galtier A Villa Center
Galtier A Villa Center

445 Galtier Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103

Living Options: Nursing Home

Image of New Harmony Care And Rehab Center
New Harmony Care And Rehab Center

135 Geranium Avenue East, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117

Living Options: Nursing Home

Image of St Anthony Park Home
St Anthony Park Home

2237 Commonwealth Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108

Living Options: Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Carondelet Village
Carondelet Village

525 Fairview Avenue South, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing