Memory Care in Celina, Texas

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Image of Legend Of Mckinney
Legend Of Mckinney

220 S Crutcher Crossing, Mckinney, Texas 75072

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Mustang Creek Estates Frisco
Mustang Creek Estates Frisco

1200 West Main Street, Frisco, Texas 75033

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Settlers Ridge Care Center
Settlers Ridge Care Center

1280 Settlers Ridge Road, Celina, Texas 75009

Living Options: Memory Care, Nursing Home, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Hidden Springs Of Mckinney
Hidden Springs Of Mckinney

6421 Mckinney Ranch Parkway, Mckinney, Texas 75070

Assisted living costs range from $4,695 to $6,195 monthly. Currently, there's a waitlist. Additional services like respite care are not offered. Pets are allowed, and free local transportation is provided.

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Tribute Senior Living
Tribute Senior Living

190 N. Preston Road, Prosper, Texas 75078

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Grand Brook Memory Care Of Mckinney Tx
Grand Brook Memory Care Of Mckinney Tx

175 Plateau Drive, Mckinney, Texas 75069

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care

Image of The Heritage At Twin Creeks
The Heritage At Twin Creeks

920 Stockton Drive, Allen, Texas 75013

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care