Assisted Living in Salisbury, North Carolina

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(866) 204-9238

Image of Trinity Oaks
Trinity Oaks

820 Klumac Road, Salisbury, North Carolina 28144

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home

Image of The Laurels Of Salisbury
The Laurels Of Salisbury

215 Lash Drive, Salisbury, North Carolina 28147

Costs vary widely based on location, amenities, and level of care, with an average of $4,000 per month for a private one-bedroom.

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Hospice, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Autumn Care Of Salisbury
Autumn Care Of Salisbury

1505 Bringle Ferry Road, Salisbury, North Carolina 28146

Living Options: Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Accordius Health At Salisbury
Accordius Health At Salisbury

635 Statesville Boulevard, Salisbury, North Carolina 28144

Costs are $257/day for a semi-private room and $283/day for a private room.

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Respite Care, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Alston Brook
Alston Brook

4748 Old Salisbury Road, Lexington, North Carolina 27295

Living Options: Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Terrabella Salisbury
Terrabella Salisbury

1915 Mooresville Road, Salisbury, North Carolina 28147

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care