Assisted Living in Elk Grove, California

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Image of Rivers Edge
Rivers Edge

601 Feature Drive, Sacramento, California 95825

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Rehabilitation

Image of Sacramento: Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care
Sacramento: Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care

1075 Fulton Avenue, Sacramento, California 95825

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Legacy Oaks Of Sacramento
Legacy Oaks Of Sacramento

1922 Morse Avenue, Sacramento, California 95825

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care

Image of Lakewood Villa
Lakewood Villa

8708 Gerber Road, Sacramento, California 95828

Assisted living costs range from $3,500 for shared rooms to $6,700 for private rooms. Hospice care starts at $5,000 for shared and $7,000 for private rooms.

Living Options: Assisted Living

Image of Mountain Manor
Mountain Manor

6101 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Carmichael, California 95608

Living Options: Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation

Image of Summerset Assisted Living
Summerset Assisted Living

2341 Vehicle Drive, Rancho Cordova, California 95670

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of The Woodlake
The Woodlake

1445 Expo Parkway, Sacramento, California 95815

Living Options: Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Oakmont Of Carmichael
Oakmont Of Carmichael

4717 Engle Road, Carmichael, California 95608

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Oakmont Of East Sacramento
Oakmont Of East Sacramento

5301 F Street, East Sacramento, California 95819

Living Options: Assisted Living, Memory Care

Image of Apple Ridge Assisted Living
Apple Ridge Assisted Living

3950 Annadale Lane, Sacramento, California 95821

Living Options: Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing